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Research Note

A simple formula for enumerating comparisons in trials and network meta-analysis

[version 2; peer review: 2 approved]
PUBLISHED 03 Apr 2019
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We present use of a simple formula to calculate the number of pairwise comparisons of interventions within a single trial or network meta-analyses. We used the data from our previous network meta-analysis to build a study-based register and enumerated the direct pairwise comparisons from the trials therein. We then compared this with the number of comparisons predicted by use of the formula and finally with the reported number of comparisons (indirect or direct) within the network meta-analysis. A total of 133 trials of 8 interventions were selected which included 163 comparisons. The network of these showed 16 unique direct comparisons. The formula predicted an expected 28 indirect or direct comparisons and this is the number that were indeed reported. The formula produces an accurate enumeration of the potential comparisons within a single trial or network meta-analysis. Its use could help transparency of reporting should a shortfall occur between comparisons actually used and the potential total.


Pairwise Comparisons, Study-Based Registers, Clinical Trials, Randomised Controlled Trials, Network Meta-Analysis, Systematic Reviews

Revised Amendments from Version 1

We added that the formula in this manuscript is an established formula in Combinatorics, and expanded the ‘Comparisons in network meta-analysis plots’ section with further details about Figure 4.

See the authors' detailed response to the review by Julie Broderick
See the authors' detailed response to the review by G. Mustafa Soomro


The pairwise comparisons reported within each randomized controlled trial are being documented in study-based registers1. This lends itself to accurate indexing and enumeration of these comparisons within the studies and then subsequent supply of immediate, highly sensitive and highly specific search results to those wishing to investigate one or more particular comparisons within systematic reviews and meta-analyses or overviews and network meta-analysis1,2.

To gain a perspective on the absolute effectiveness of a treatment it is ideal to compare all the existing medications with placebo and for relative effects with each other in pairwise comparison trials. However, some of pairwise comparisons of the medications have not been tested within trials at all. Finally, even if some of the possible pairwise comparisons have been directly tested within trials not all may be eligible for inclusion in a network meta-analysis3. This leaves a gap between the research has been done and the research that should or could have been undertaken and finding this highlights gaps in the fair testing of treatments4.

A two-arm trial will generate one pairwise comparison. A three-arm trial, however. will generate three, and a six-arm study, 15 pairwise comparisons. It is easy to lose track of how many comparisons one study can generate. This is more likely when it comes to the many direct, indirect or mixed comparisons within a network. This paper describes a simple formula for enumerating the possible number of comparisons within a single trial or planned network meta-analysis in advance.


The formula

The formula below solves this where n is the number of arms in a single study or network and N is the number of pairwise comparisons:


Where n > 0;

n is a natural number;

Then every intervention is compared to every other intervention except itself so: n*(n-1);

Because N is a bidirectional comparison (X vs. Y = Y vs. X) so: (n*(n-1))/2;

This is an established formula from combinatorics for calculating number of pairs for a number of items in a set.

The networks of 2 to 10 interventions will create networks in shapes of line, triangle, rectangle, pentagon, hexagon, heptagon, octagon, nonagon and decagon, respectively. A visual proof of a network of five interventions and (5*(5-1))/2=10 pairwise comparisons is presented in Figure 1.


Figure 1. Network of five interventions and (5*(5-1))/2=10 pairwise comparisons.

Adding any new intervention to the trial or network will create n-1 new pairwise comparisons. For example, where there are 6 arms in a trial—or 6 nodes in network meta-analysis—there will be (6*(6-1))/2=15 comparisons; adding a new intervention (6+1=7) will create 7-1=6 new pairwise direct comparisons in an individual trial and 6 direct or indirect comparisons in a network meta-analysis. Although this formula has been used for other purposes such as Metcalfe’s law in telecommunication, its use in the current context is novel.

Testing the formula: working back from existing network meta-analyses

We used the open data5 from our previously published network meta-analysis6 to re-create and enumerate the comparisons within the network. Using the direct comparisons reported in the trials within the network, we applied the formula and then compared the number of potential or expected comparisons (formula-derived) and the actual or observed number reported within the network analysis.


Number of direct and indirect comparisons

We built a small study-based register based—thus avoiding the pitfall of multiple counting—containing all 133 included studies in our previous network meta-analysis6,7. These trials reported comparisons from 8 interventions. Using our formula, 8 interventions should create 28 unique comparisons: (8*(8-1))/2=28 (Figure 2).


Figure 2. All the possible unique bidirectional comparisons of 8 ADHD medications.

Only 16 out of 28 comparisons have been directly compared in trials (green lines).

Reported comparisons within the trials

We extracted the separate intervention arms from the open data to re-create the direct comparisons from within trials. The trials had either two or three arms so each study could create either two or three comparisons. As a result the 133 studies had 163 comparisons, the majority of which were duplicated. After removing these duplicates, this created 16 unique direct comparisons with between 1 and 47 studies per comparison for 8 interventions (Table 1). These 16 observed comparisons are 57% of the 28 expected by use of the formula above.

Table 1. Direct comparisons extracted from trials and their associated studies.

ComparisonNumber of
Study tag
Amphetamines vs. Atomoxetine1Wigal 2005 (SLI381-404, NCT00506727)
Amphetamines vs. Guanfacine1Taylor 2001
Amphetamines* vs.
6Coghill 2013 (SPD489-325); Efron 1997; Plizka 2000; SPD489-405 (NCT01552915); SPD489-406 (NCT01552902);Stein 2011 (NCT00393042)
Amphetamines vs. Modafinil1Taylor 2000
Amphetamines vs. Placebo21Adler 2008b (NRP104.303, NCT00334880); Adler 2013 (SPD489-403, NCT01101022); Biederman 2002 (SLI 381-301); Biederman 2007
(NRP104-301, NCT00248092); Biederman 2012 (2008P000971, NCT00801229); Coghill 2013 (SPD489-325); Findling 2011 (SPD 489-
305, NCT00735371); Frick 2017 (SPD465-303, NCT00152022); Kay 2009a; Paterson 1999; Plizka 2000; Spencer 2001; SPD489-405
(NCT01552915); SPD489-406 (NCT01552902);Spencer 2006 (SLI381-314, NCT00507065); Spencer 2008 (SPD465-301, NCT00150579); Stein
2011 (NCT00393042); Taylor 2000; Taylor 2001; Weisler 2006 (SLI381-303); Winhusen 2010 (NCT00253747)
Atomoxetine vs. Guanfacine1Hervas 2014 (SPD503-316, NCT01244490, EudraCT: 2010- 018579-12)
Atomoxetine vs.
8Bedard 2015 (NCT00183391); Newcorn 2008 (B4Z-MC-LYBI); Sangal 2006 (B4Z-US-LYAV); Schulz 2012; Spencer 2002a (B4Z-MC-HFBD);
Spencer 2002b (B4Z-MC-HFBK); Wang 2007 (NCT00486083, B4Z-MC-LYBR (6934)); Weisler 2012 (NCT00880217)
Atomoxetine vs. Placebo41Adler 2008a (B4Z-MC-LYBV, NCT00190931); Adler 2009a (B4Z-US-LYDQ, NCT00190879); Adler 2009b (B4Z-US-LYCU. NCT00190736);
NCT00190736); Allen 2005 (B4Z-MC-LYAS); Arnold 2006; Bain 2013 (NCT00429091); Bangs 2007 (B4Z-MC-LYAX); Bangs 2008 (B4Z-MC-LYBX,
NCT00191698); Block 2009 (B4Z-US-LYCC, NCT00486122); Dell'Agnello 2009; Dittman 2011; Durell 2013 (B4Z-US-LYDZ, NCT00510276); Gau
2007 (B4Z-TW-S010, NCT00485459); Geller 2007 (B4Z-US-LYBP); Goto 2017 (B4ZJE-LYEE, NCT00962104); Harfterkamp 2012 (NCT00380692);
Hervas 2014 (SPD503-316, NCT01244490, EudraCT: 2010- 018579-12); Kay 2009b; Kelsey 2004 (B4Z-US-LYBG); Lin 2016 (NCT00917371);
Martenyi 2010 (B4Z-MW-LYCZ, NCT00386581); McRae-Clark 2010 (R21DA018221, NCT00360269); Michelson 2001 (B4Z-MC-LYAC); Michelson
2002 (B4Z-MC-LYAT); Michelson 2003a; Michelson 2003b; Montoya 2009 (B4Z-XM-LYDM, NCT00191945); Newcorn 2008 (B4Z-MC-LYBI); Spencer
1998; Spencer 2002a (B4Z-MC-HFBD); Spencer 2002b (B4Z-MC-HFBK); Sutherland 2012 (NCT00174226); Svanborg 2009 (B4Z-SO-LY15,
EUCTR2004-003941-42-SE, NCT00191542); Takahashi 2009 (B4Z-JE-LYBC, NCT00191295); Wehmeier 2012 (B4Z-SB-LYDV, NCT00546910);
Weisler 2012 (NCT00880217); Weiss 2005 (B4Z-MC-LYAW); Wietecha 2013 (NCT00607919); Wilens 2008 (B4Z-MC-LYBY, NCT00190957); Wilens
2011 (NCT00528697); Young 2011 (B4Z-US-LYCW, NCT00190775)
Bupropion vs. Methylphenidate2Jafarinia 2012; Moharari 2012 (IRCT201012295500N1)
Bupropion vs. Placebo4Casat 1989; Reimherr 2005; Wilens 2001; Wilens 2005 (NCT00048360)
Clonidine vs. Methylphenidate4Connor 2000; Kurlan 2002; Palumbo 2008 (NCT00031395); van der Meere 1999
Clonidine vs. Placebo5Jain 2011 (NCT00556959); Kurlan 2002; Palumbo 2008 (NCT00031395); Singer 1995; van der Meere 1999
Guanfacine vs. Placebo12Biederman 2008 (SPD503-301, NCT00152009); Connor 2010 (SPD503-307, NCT00367835); Hervas 2014 (SPD503-316, NCT01244490,
EudraCT: 2010- 018579-12); Kollins 2011 (SPD503-206, NCT00150592); McCracken 2016; NCT01069523; Newcorn 2013 (SPD503-314,
NCT00997984); Rugino 2014 (NCT01156051); Sallee 2009 (SPD503-304, NCT00150618); Schahill 2001 (NCT00004376); Taylor 2001; Wilens
2015 (SPD503-312, EUCTR2011-002221-21, NCT01081132)
Methylphenidate vs. Modafinil1Amiri 2008
Methylphenidate vs. Placebo47Abikoff 2009; Adler 2009c (CR011560, NCT00326391); Biederman 2006a (subsample of NCT00181571); Biehl 2016; Bron 2014; Buitelaar
1996; Casas 2013 (EudraCT: 2007-002111-82); Childress 2009 (CRIT124E2305, NCT00301236); Coghill 2013 (SPD489-325); Cook
1993; CRIT124DUS02; Dopfner 2003; Findling 2008 (NCT00444574); Ginsberg 2012 (EUCTR2006-002553-80-SE); Goodman 2016
(NCT00937040); Greenhill 2002; Greenhill 2006b (CRIT124E2301); Grizenko 2012; Herring 2012 (NCT00475735); Huss 2014 (CRIT124D2302,
EUCTR2010-021533-31-DE, NCT01259492); Kooij 2004; Kurlan 2002; Lin 2014 (NCT00922636); Medori 2008 (LAMDA-I EUCTR2004-
000730-37, NCT00246220); Newcorn 2008 (B4Z-MC-LYBI); Palumbo 2008 (NCT00031395); Philipsen 2015 (EUCTR2006-000222-31-DE,
ISRCTN54096201); Plizka 2000; Reimherr 2007; Rosler 2009; Schrantee 2016 (NTR3103, EUCTR2010-023654-37-NL); Simonoff 2013
(ISRCTN683849); SPD489-405 (NCT01552915); SPD489-406 (NCT01552902); Spencer 1995; Spencer 2002a (B4Z-MC-HFBD); Spencer
2002b (B4Z-MC-HFBK); Spencer 2005; Spencer 2007 (CRIT124E2302); Stein 2011 (NCT00393042); Takahashi 2014 (NCT01323192); Taylor
1987; van der Meere 1999; Weisler 2012 (NCT00880217); Wender 2011; Wigal 2004; Wigal 2015 (NCT01239030)
Modafinil vs. Placebo8Arnold 2014 (C1538/2027/AD/US, NCT00315276); Biederman 2005 (Study 311 Cephalon); Biederman 2006b; Greenhill 2006a (Study 309
Cephalon); Kahbazi 2009; Rugino 2003; Swanson 2006; Taylor 2000

* Amphetamines include Lisdexamfetamine.

Direct comparisons eligible for network meta-analysis

Among five networks reported in the final paper, the number of comparisons in these five network meta-analyses, however, varies from 6 (for 3 networks) to 11 (for 1 network) and 13 (for 1 network) (Figure 3). As visualized in Figure 3, only 21.42% to 46.42% of comparisons were eligible for pairwise meta-analysis (Table 2).


Figure 3. Direct and indirect comparisons in the network meta-analysis of 8 interventions for primary outcome.

(Dark lines are eligible comparisons for pairwise meta-analysis, added dotted blue lines show indirect comparisons). This image has been modified from Cortese et al. 20186 under Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).

Table 2. Comparisons from the body of evidence.

Source of comparisonsType of
Eligibility for
# of
% of
   Randomised trials×16 (Table 1)57.14
   Pairwise meta-analysis××6-13 (Figure 3)*21.42 to 46.42
   Network meta-analysis28 (Figure 2)100.00

* There are five networks in Figure 3 and each has 6, 11, or 13 eligible comparisons. Three out of 16 comparisons from trials have not been included in any of five network plots.

Comparisons in network meta-analysis plots

From Figure 3 we can calculate that about 42% of comparisons expected through use of the formula have not been tested directly in trials. This is a direct evidence-gap. The number of missing comparisons varies between nine out of 15 in three networks with six interventions, 17 out of 28 in one network with eight interventions, and 15 out of 28 in another network with eight interventions (Figure 3). However, all 28 comparisons expected by use of the formula were utilized and reported within the network meta-analysis. It is possible that some of the comparisons predicted by the formula would have been deemed ineligible—either by adherence to a network review protocol or through post hoc exclusions—but this was not the case in this particular review (Figure 4). This diagram shows that only some of the comparisons from trials in study-based register could be included in pairwise meta-analysis. In addition, the number of comparisons in network meta-analysis (calculated by formula) is larger and inclusive of all the comparisons in the network of interventions and includes all the possible unique comparisons even if the comparisons are not in trials or in pairwise meta-analysis.


Figure 4. Venn diagram showing the coverage of comparisons by the network meta-analysis (from formula), and pairwise meta-analysis (from network plots), and trials (from study-based register).


This formula can be employed when estimating the total number of comparisons (direct and indirect combined) theoretically possible within a proposed network meta-analysis. It would be possible that there would sometimes be a discrepancy between the number of comparisons theoretically possible and those actually employed within any given network meta-analysis. The formula would highlight this for researchers and readers and, before and after analyses, facilitate descriptions of why particular comparisons have not been included.


The formula produces an accurate enumeration of the potential comparisons within a single trial or network meta-analysis.

Any shortfall between the full potential of the data and the actual number of comparisons within a network meta-analysis should be possible to explain through reference to pre-stipulated eligibility criteria or post hoc exclusions.

Data availability

The data analyzed in the present study have been published previously6,7.

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Shokraneh F and Adams CE. A simple formula for enumerating comparisons in trials and network meta-analysis [version 2; peer review: 2 approved] F1000Research 2019, 8:38 (
NOTE: it is important to ensure the information in square brackets after the title is included in all citations of this article.
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Open Peer Review

Current Reviewer Status: ?
Key to Reviewer Statuses VIEW
ApprovedThe paper is scientifically sound in its current form and only minor, if any, improvements are suggested
Approved with reservations A number of small changes, sometimes more significant revisions are required to address specific details and improve the papers academic merit.
Not approvedFundamental flaws in the paper seriously undermine the findings and conclusions
Version 1
PUBLISHED 09 Jan 2019
Reviewer Report 04 Mar 2019
G. Mustafa Soomro, St. James Hospital, Portsmouth, UK 
This is a useful paper for demonstrating and discussing how an established formula could be used for calculating all possible pairs of comparisons for interventions in a network meta-analysis. Thus, reviewers would be able to find out how many potential ... Continue reading
Soomro GM. Reviewer Report For: A simple formula for enumerating comparisons in trials and network meta-analysis [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]. F1000Research 2019, 8:38 (
NOTE: it is important to ensure the information in square brackets after the title is included in all citations of this article.
  • Author Response 03 Apr 2019
    Farhad Shokraneh, Cochrane Schizophrenia Group, Division of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology, Institute of Mental Health, School of Medicine, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, NG7 2TU, UK
    03 Apr 2019
    Author Response
    Dear Dr G. Mustafa Soomro,
    Thanks for spending your time for reviewing our work and commenting on it. In the following lines, we replied to your comments and made changes to ... Continue reading
  • Author Response 03 Apr 2019
    Farhad Shokraneh, Cochrane Schizophrenia Group, Division of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology, Institute of Mental Health, School of Medicine, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, NG7 2TU, UK
    03 Apr 2019
    Author Response
    Dear Dr G. Mustafa Soomro,
    Thanks for spending your time for reviewing our work and commenting on it. In the following lines, we replied to your comments and made changes to ... Continue reading
Reviewer Report 13 Feb 2019
Julie Broderick, Department of Medicine, Division of Physiotherapy, Trinity Centre for Health Sciences, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland 
In my opinion, this is a novel approach which allows the quantification of comparators in trials and network meta-analyses. Following on from this, the comparators which are possible versus how many were reported can be discussed in further depth. This ... Continue reading
Broderick J. Reviewer Report For: A simple formula for enumerating comparisons in trials and network meta-analysis [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]. F1000Research 2019, 8:38 (
NOTE: it is important to ensure the information in square brackets after the title is included in all citations of this article.
  • Author Response 03 Apr 2019
    Farhad Shokraneh, Cochrane Schizophrenia Group, Division of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology, Institute of Mental Health, School of Medicine, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, NG7 2TU, UK
    03 Apr 2019
    Author Response
    Dear Dr Julie Broderick,
    Thanks for spending your time for reviewing our work and commenting on it. In the following lines, we replied to your comments and made changes to the ... Continue reading
  • Author Response 03 Apr 2019
    Farhad Shokraneh, Cochrane Schizophrenia Group, Division of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology, Institute of Mental Health, School of Medicine, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, NG7 2TU, UK
    03 Apr 2019
    Author Response
    Dear Dr Julie Broderick,
    Thanks for spending your time for reviewing our work and commenting on it. In the following lines, we replied to your comments and made changes to the ... Continue reading

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Version 2
Alongside their report, reviewers assign a status to the article:
Approved - the paper is scientifically sound in its current form and only minor, if any, improvements are suggested
Approved with reservations - A number of small changes, sometimes more significant revisions are required to address specific details and improve the papers academic merit.
Not approved - fundamental flaws in the paper seriously undermine the findings and conclusions
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