PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - JUSTAN, IVAN AU - OVESNÁ, PETRA AU - KUBEK, TOMÁŠ AU - HÝŽA, PETR AU - STUPKA, IGOR AU - DVOŘÁK, ZDENĚK TI - The Effect of Smoking on Post-operative Finger Range of Motion in Patients with Tendon Grafts DP - 2011 Jul 01 TA - In Vivo PG - 697--702 VI - 25 IP - 4 4099 - 4100 - SO - In Vivo2011 Jul 01; 25 AB - Background: The finger range of motion (ROM) was evaluated in patients with hand flexor tendon replacement using a tendon graft and the effect of smoking was investigated. The first hypothesis was: a tendon graft increases the post-operative ROM. The second hypothesis was: smoking has a negative effect on the final finger ROM. Patients and Methods: Fifty seven autologous tendon grafts in 48 patients were included. The patients were grouped as non-smokers or smokers (“light” or “heavy”). The modified Strickland system and Total Active Motion (TAM) system, were chosen for the evaluation. Results: The first hypothesis was proved by all the measurements. The post-operative status assessed by the Strickland method was different between the non-smokers and smokers with a better score in the smokers. Conclusion: A significant ROM improvement occurs after reconstruction and is even slightly better in smokers than in non-smokers.