Background: Iterative cytoreduction (iCRS) and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy is a treatment for recurrence of peritoneal carcinomatosis. There are considerable upfront costs for this approach for which the cost-effectiveness has not been evaluated. Patients and Methods: We used a prospectively maintained database of patients having undergone primary and iterative cytoreduction at St. George Hospital between January 1, 2014, and December 31, 2017, which was linked with financial data. Cost effectiveness and survival outcomes were used to compare primary cytoreduction (pCRS) and iterative cytoreduction (iCRS) in addition to comparison with other treatment modalities. Results: The average cost per patient in Australian dollars was $69,295 ($14,691-$696,002) and the average cost per life-year was $15,842. There was no difference in cost-effectiveness between those who had undergone pCRS and those who had undergone iCRS. The overall survival was 52.5 months (95% confidence interval=49.7-55.2 months) with no difference in survival between pCRS and iCRS groups. The median length of hospital stay was significantly longer for patients in the pCRS treatment group (25.51 days) when compared to the iCRS treatment group (21.15 days, p=0.034). Conclusion: iCRS is a cost-effective treatment in the management of recurrent peritoneal carcinomatosis.
- General surgery
- surgical oncology
- cytoreduction surgical procedures
- cost of illness
- peritoneal neoplasms
Peritoneal carcinomatosis (PC) results from the metastatic spread of gastrointestinal or gynaecological malignancies due to transmural invasion through the serosal surfaces or iatrogenic intervention (1). Malignancies can also metastasise through the serosal surface via lymphovascular pathways. Once a tumour has reached the serosal layer, it is likely to metastasize to adjacent structures within the peritoneum. The incidence of PC varies by primary malignancy. PC develops in up to 20% of patients with gastric malignancies (2) and has been diagnosed at primary surgery in ~7% of patients with colorectal cancer (CRC) and in up to 44% of those who undergo repeat laparotomy for recurrent disease (3). PC secondary to ovarian cancer has been reported at incidences as high as 70% (3). Life expectancy varies greatly depending on the nature and origin of the primary malignancy; however, if left untreated PC is uniformly fatal. Traditional treatment for PC includes palliative surgery and systemic chemotherapy, although overall, these modalities have resulted in poor outcomes. Patients with PC of gastrointestinal origin had a median survival of 3 months, while those with gynaecological origin exhibited a maximum survival of 18 months (4, 5).
Over the past two decades, a locoregional approach to PC has been adopted that includes cytoreductive surgery (CRS) combined with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) and has resulted in improved survival of patients ranging from 15-156 months depending on underlying histopathology (6, 7). However, recurrence of PC after primary CRS-HIPEC remains a significant complication that currently limits overall survival. The rate of recurrence for disseminated peritoneal adenomucinosis (DPAM) has been reported to be ~25-40%, with most of these cases detected within the first 5 years after therapy (8, 9). The rate of recurrence of PC secondary to CRC is higher, at ~70-80% following CRS-HIPEC (10). As such, treatments for recurrent disease that include repeat or iterative CRS-HIPEC (iCRS) have been explored. Promising treatment modalities have resulted in good overall survival in selected patients with specific malignancies. Depending on the origin of the primary malignancy, overall survival has been reported to range from 15 to 90 months (11-13).
As with primary CRS-HIPEC (pCRS), iCRS involves prolonged operative times and lengthy postoperative hospital stays. As such, hospital-based medical, surgical, anaesthetic, and intensive care, allied health, and radiological resources are consumed in the effort to extend the long-term survival of these patients (14). Despite this, Chua et al. found that pCRS was a cost-effective strategy in a study that compared the cost per life-years (LYs) gained among patients who underwent pCRS compared to those undergoing traditional palliative surgery and systemic chemotherapy (14). However, the cost-effectiveness of iCRS has not yet been evaluated.
This study aimed to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of iCRS used for the treatment of PC by evaluating survival outcomes and healthcare costs at a single tertiary referral centre in Australia.
Patients and Methods
Demographics, procedure details, outcome data, and complications were recorded prospectively for all patients who underwent CRS at St George Hospital (Sydney, NSW, Australia). Patients included in this study included all those who underwent pCRS or iCRS between January 1, 2014, and December 31, 2017. Ethics approval for suitability for pCRS was determined at a multi-disciplinary team meeting. Our study was based on prospectively collected data which has an established Ethics Approval through the St. George Hospital Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC Ref: 18/708).
All patients underwent CRS using the Sugarbaker peritonectomy procedure with HIPEC as indicated by the Peritoneal Carcinomatosis Index (PCI) determined at the time of procedures. Complete cytoreduction scores were calculated based on residual disease and recorded at the time of procedures (1).
Patient follow-up visits were scheduled every 3 months for the first 12 months and biannually thereafter. Survival was calculated from the time of surgery to the time of the final follow-up visit or patient death. All data were stored securely in a prospective database.
Financial data were provided by the Network Performance Management and Information Unit at St. George Hospital. The total cost per patient admission was divided into sub-costs, including allied health, critical care (which includes the costs of a stay in the Intensive Care Unit), medical imaging, non-clinical or administrative costs, use of the operating theatre (surgeon payment, pathology, and pharmacy) and medical salaries (paid to junior clinicians). All costs were reported in Australian dollars and were adjusted for inflation.
Descriptive statistics reported include averages, range, and standard deviation (SD). Parametric data were compared using Student’s independent t-tests (two-tailed) or chi-squared analysis where appropriate. Non-parametric data were compared using the Mann–Whitney U-test. All statistical analysis was performed using IBM SPSS Statistics version 26 (Armonk, NY, USA).
Baseline characteristics. Our study enrolled 456 patients, including 365 and 91 in the pCRS and iCRS treatment groups, respectively. The average age of patients overall was 55 years (SD=13.4 years); of these, 257 (56.4%) patients were female. Most of the patients enrolled in this study (150; 32.9%) were diagnosed with CRC; 19 (20.88%) of these patients were in the iCRS treatment group. One hundred and thirty (30.3%) of the patients were diagnosed with adenocarcinoma of the appendix, which was the most common malignancy among patients in the iCRS treatment group (39 patients, 42.86%). Eighty-four (18.4%) patients were diagnosed with DPAM; 17 (18.7%) of these patients were in the iCRS treatment group. The average PCI for the entire patient cohort was 12. Patients in the pCRS treatment group had an average PCI of 15, while those in the iCRS treatment group had an average PCI of 6.5; this difference was statistically significant (p<0.0001). The average complete cytoreduction score was 0, with 96.5% of the patients receiving scores of 0-1. The average overall morbidity score was 2, with 274 (60.1%) of all patients assigned morbidity scores of 0-2. The overall average Clavien–Dindo classification (15) of perioperative morbidity was grade II. No significant differences in either the complete cytoreduction score (p=0.796) or the Clavien–Dindo classifications were observed between the two treatment groups (Table I). The average length of hospital stay (LOS) was 24.64 days (SD=20.33 days) for all patients. LOS was significantly longer for patients in the pCRS treatment group (25.51 days) when compared to the iCRS treatment group (21.15 days, p=0.034; Table II).
There were no significant differences between the two treatment groups with respect to Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group or American Society of Anesthesiologists patient grades, which were an average of 1 (range=0-3) and 3 (range=1-4), respectively (Table I).
Survival. The median overall survival for all cancer types was 52.5 months [95% confidence interval (CI)=49.7-55.2 months]. Overall survival following pCRS and iCRS was 52.9 months (95% CI=49.8-56.0 months) and 50.2 months (95% CI=44.0-55.2 months), respectively (Table II and Figure 1). There were no significant differences with respect to survival between the two groups. Patients with a primary diagnosis of CRC in the pCRS treatment group exhibited prolonged survival (average=47.6 months; 95% CI=42.6-52.6 months) compared to those in the iCRS group (average=30.5 months; 95% CI=21.5-39.5; p<0.04; Table II and Figure 2). We detected no significant differences in survival rates for any of the types of malignancy evaluated.
Costs. The average cost per patient in Australian dollars was $69,295 (range=$14,691-696,002) and the average cost per LY was $15,842. The overall costs and costs per LY were not significantly different between the pCRS and iCRS treatment groups. Costs associated with the use of the operating theatre (25% of overall) and critical care (19%) were the two largest contributors to the overall cost of care for both groups. The only significant differences in cost type between pCRS and iCRS groups were those associated with medical salaries, which included overall average costs of $4,434 and $3,868 for patients in the pCRS and the iCRS treatment groups, respectively (p=0.043; Table II and Figure 3).
CRS with HIPEC has become the standard of treatment worldwide for disseminated peritoneal malignancies, including DPAM, cancer of the appendix, and benign mesothelioma. There is also an increasing body of evidence that supports the use of iCRS in selected cases of disseminated colorectal, ovarian, and gastric cancer (10, 13, 16). As previously described, there is a high rate of recurrence of disseminated disease that is typically dependent on the nature and extent of the primary malignancy. As such, the use of iCRS for this indication by multiple centres has resulted in promising outcomes. We and others have described a wide range of overall median survival rates, from 15 to 90 months, following iCRS (11-13, 17). Similar to outcomes following pCRS, outcomes associated with iCRS are highly dependent on the nature of the primary malignancy. The highest overall survival rates following iCRS were those reported for patients diagnosed with DPAM, followed by those with cancer of the appendix and mesothelioma at 58.1 (95% CI=53.6-62.5) months, 48 (95% CI=38.4-57.5) months, and 36 (95% CI=32.7-39.2) months, respectively. The lowest overall survival rates were observed for those diagnosed with CRC or ovarian cancer, at 30.5 (95% CI=21.5-39.5) months and 28.5 (95% CI=18.7-38.3) months, respectively (Table II). The results of a recent systematic review indicated that median survival following iCRS for CRC ranged from 18 to 55.7 months, which are findings that are consistent with those reported by our center (18). There are very few reports that focus on survival after iCRS for malignancies other than DPAM, cancer of the appendix, or CRC. There were no significant differences between Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group and American Society of Anesthesiologists status of patients who were treated with pCRS or iCRS at our centre, nor were there any demographic differences noted between the two groups (Table I), further research will be needed to determine which factors are important when selecting patients who are most likely to respond effectively to iCRS. Of note, our findings included a significant difference in the initial PCI scores among those in the iCRS (PCI score of 6.5) group compared to those in the pCRS group (PCI score of 15.0; p<0.001). This finding may be explained by patient selection or because patients who had undergone a primary round of treatment received close follow-up and were most likely to experience early detection and treatment of any recurrence of disease. One criticism of iCRS is that it is associated with greater morbidity than would be anticipated in response to alternative treatment modalities, such as chemotherapy. Indeed, the results of this study revealed that 39.6% of patients undergoing iCRS developed grade III or IV complications that were life-threatening or required intervention although there was no difference in the morbidity grade between groups. It is difficult to take into account the precise role played by morbidity with respect to the overall therapeutic experience, although it is reassuring to note that ~79% of patients treated with iCRS reported that they would undergo additional cytoreductive procedures if necessary (19).
The breakdown is similar when comparing costs associated with pCRS and iCRS. The costs associated with the use of the operating theatre represent 25% of the overall total, followed by the costs associated with critical care at 20% (Figure 3). The fractions represented by these sub-costs are comparable to those reported for pCRS at our Institution in 2010 (14), at 22% and 26% of the total costs, respectively. Our finding that there were no significant differences in overall costs associated with the first vs. repeat cytoreduction procedures, and likewise our identification of similar cost breakdowns for these two procedures suggests that the patient experiences are also similar from an institutional perspective. However, the median LOS associated with iCRS at 21.2±16.3 days was significantly shorter than that after pCRS (25.51±21.11 days) (p=0.034). Patient selection as well as prior knowledge and expectations of the patients in this latter group may have contributed to the reduced LOS. It is important to recognise that this reflects a key component of the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery protocol, specifically, that perioperative counselling contributes to reduced LOS when compared to cases in which patients were not provided with similar interventions (20). Furthermore, the average PCI among those in the iCRS group was 6, which was significantly lower than the average PCI of 15 observed among those undergoing pCRS (p<0.001). The lower PCI value might be attributed to the fact that one cannot repeat some of the associated procedures, for example, splenectomy; this may have contributed to the reduced LOS associated with the secondary iCRS procedures.
The pCRS procedure is a cost-effective treatment when compared to non-surgical options for the treatment of some malignancies (21). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that has evaluated the cost-effectiveness of iCRS. Notably, we observed no significant differences between the average total costs associated with pCRS ($70,794) and iCRS ($68,688; p=0.486). In our evaluation of overall survival following pCRS and iCRS, we found that the costs per LY were $16,060 and $16,420, respectively. Furthermore, when compared to other standard treatments for disseminated malignancy, including chemotherapy, iCRS is cost-effective. In Australia, the treatment of stage IV CRC with standard chemotherapy (folinic acid/fluorouracil/irinotecan) with bevacizumab has an estimated total cost of $81,403 (22) and results in a median overall survival of 25.0 months (23). As such, a chemotherapeutic regimen based on these estimates for stage IV CRC results in a net cost of $39,073 per LY. Similar estimates can be made for advanced ovarian cancer and lung cancer (regardless of stage), in which standard chemotherapeutic regimens have been associated with net costs of $24,453 and $15,202 per LY, respectively (24).
Our study has several limitations. Our findings were based on patient data from a single institution in Australia and thus relies on the assumption that the overall costs associated with care at that institution are comparable to those found at similar centres both nationally and internationally. In Australia, the major costs of treatment for intraperitoneal malignancy, including the hospital stay and operating costs, are largely carried by the public sector. However, there are specific out-of-pocket costs, such as those that cover specialist appointments and out-patient medications, that are borne by the patient and thus not included in the analysis. Furthermore, the comparisons of costs associated with each treatment modality focused solely on cost per LY and did not account for morbidity following the procedure. Assessment of morbidity would require an objective, comparative evaluation of post-operative factors such as disability-adjusted LYs.
Given the substantial institutional support required, cytoreduction is typically performed at large centres. In New South Wales, Australia, there are two such centres which collectively serve more than 8 million people. This places significant economic burdens on these two centres, given the high upfront costs of CRS, the need for a surgical procedure and thus a prolonged hospital stay. This differs somewhat from the more distributed costs associated with non-surgical options, which typically focus on medications and involve shorter LOSs distributed over longer periods. Given the upfront cost burden placed on these specialised centres, it is crucial to collect data focused on iCRS as medically worthwhile and economically feasible in the long run.
To this end, we have shown here that iCRS is a cost-effective modality when used for the treatment of PC in selected patients.
Authors’ Contributions
James R.M. Colbourne: Data curation, formal analysis, methodology, visualisation, writing original draft, writing-review, and editing. Sam Alhayo: Conceptualization, data curation, investigation, project administration, writing-review, and editing. Beeshman S. Nandakumar: Writing-original draft, writing-review, and editing. Shoma Barat: Data curation, formal analysis. Winston Liauw: Data curation, writing-review, and editing. David L. Morris: Conceptualization, supervision, writing-review, and editing. Nayef Al-Zahrani: Conceptualization, project administration, supervision, writing-review, and editing.
Conflicts of Interest
None of the Authors have any competing interests to declare.
- Received March 6, 2022.
- Revision received April 5, 2022.
- Accepted April 8, 2022.
- Copyright © 2022, International Institute of Anticancer Research (Dr. George J. Delinasios), All rights reserved
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